Scaling Customer Support

Customer Service For OEMs: In-house or Partners?

When deciding whether to keep the customer service/support function in-house or set up authorized service partners, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) must weigh several factors to determine...
Business Continuity

Connectedness, Continuity and Customers

Continuity plays a pivotal role in sustaining businesses, particularly in customer-facing operations such as sales and customer experience. It is paramount for teams engaging with customers to avoid...
Chaos Theory and Logistic Map

From Order To Chaos: The Logistic Map

Chaos theory is a mathematical discipline that has its foundations in the exploration of intricate and dynamic systems. The emergence of chaos theory can be attributed to the contributions of renowned...
CRM for Depot Repair

Profitability, Sustainability and Depot Repair

Depot repair software is a solution that enables manufacturers to manage their repair operations at a centralized location, known as a depot. The software allows manufacturers to track, manage, and...
Propensity Analysis and Revenue

Revolutionize Your Revenue Strategy with Propensity Modeling

Innovation is crucial for developing effective strategies, and ideation is a vital component of the innovation process. Propensity modeling can help organizations evaluate the potential impact of...
1% Rule

The 1% Rule: Small Actions, Big Impact

The 1% rule is a concept that suggests making small, consistent improvements daily can lead to significant growth and success over time. The rule can be illustrated by the following examples: if you...
Fibonacci and Pricing

Balance In Proportionality: The Fibonacci Sequence

In pricing, proportionality can be achieved by setting prices that reflect the perceived value of the product or service. This may involve setting different prices for different versions of the same...
CRM - Latest Trends

Latest Advancements in CRM

The customer relationship management (CRM) industry is in a constant state of evolution, with new advancements and developments emerging on a regular basis. These advancements range from artificial...
Facebook Ad Best Practices

Maximizing Your Facebook Ad Success – 12 Best Practices

Creating effective Facebook (FB) ads can be a powerful tool in driving traffic to your website and increasing conversions for your business. However, it is important to be well-versed in the...
Retargeting, Truman, Modern Marketing

Truman’s World Is Now Digital

In 1998, Jim Carrey starred in the film “The Truman Show,” a movie about a man whose entire life was broadcasted on television as a reality show, unbeknownst to him. The show’s...